
Saturday, January 11, 2014

seattle freeze

So I've officially been streaking for 11 days. Only 354 days big deal.

It's still too early to experience any life changing epiphanies, spiritual awakenings, or self actualization...but my first few weeks on this journey has been pretty exceptional nonetheless. Spectacular views coupled with good company has made the first 11 days of 2014 pretty memorable.

Moving to a new place is difficult, but the toughest part of my transition has been leaving friends and family behind. The experience has afforded me a great deal of perspective on what it means to be independent. I suffered my first moment of weakness this week, the first time in 3 months that I was wishing I was back home, nestled safely in my comfort zone.

I bought a small bookcase for my house that is in desperate need of furniture, and the gentleman that sold it to me graciously helped me load it into my car. I got home and couldn't get the blasted POS out of my car by myself. After trying for an hour to pry the wretched thing out in the rain, I broke down. I would have driven all the way home to California if I could have, but the stupid dresser pushed my driver seat clear up to the steering wheel basically locking me out. Ready for my grand epiphany? As much as I want to believe that I can do everything on my own, it was made painfully obvious to me that I can't. The furniture/car conundrum proved the most appropriate metaphor for my life... If I have any hope of accomplishing my 365 goal this year (or moving any more furniture) I need to find myself a support system.

So this week has been all about beating the "Seattle freeze" and making the effort to reach out to others. *Bonus* I got to see some cool stuff along the way.

Greenlake in the evening
On the first Sunday of every month, the Oiselle team meets up for a long run. It was incredible to see all the birds that flocked to U Village that morning! Of course, what was supposed to be a 4 mile easy run for me quickly turned into a 6 miler that nearly killed me. Yet it was well worth it, we were graced with such a gorgeous sunrise over the mountains and I got to grab coffee with some pretty fierce runners.

University Village on an early Sunday morning
Greenlake on a rainy afternoon
Discovery Park
To keep it short and sweet, so far so good. I find that running everyday is becoming routine. I'm excited to have found a new running partner and look forward to meeting more awesome people in Seattle's running community.

AR 50 is only a few months away and the nerves are already setting in. I'm a little worried about the 30-mile long runs that await me in the future. Here's to running happy and staying healthy! #streak365

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