My fingers just sit lifeless atop the keys... not for a lack of adventures to tell, but at a loss for a way in which to tell them.
I know in my past posts I have focused less on my streak, but to be clear I am still streaking. My failure to acknowledge my running everyday is a testament to the fact that it is no longer a "goal" but simply my new reality. I run every day. Period. And this is day 233.
On to the adventures!
I recently summited Mount Saint Helens, like a boss, and did the round trip in 6 1/2 hours. Only thing missing from the view at the top was...well...the view at the top. Shrouded in misty clouds we saw nothing of the mountain's massive crater or the surrounding picturesque landscape.
Well, shit.
Not to worry though, just means another attempt is in my immediate future.
My roommate and I had scored the passes for Mount St. Helens last minute. What I didn't factor in was the fact that I had signed up for a 5k earlier this month to be run less than 48 hours after the hike. I figured, "Ahh hell, I hike my far share, shouldn't be too bad." I don't know how many of you have hiked the 8,000+ foot volcano, but if you have you'd know she's a beach. Pause for comedic brilliance to sink in... Many stretches of terrain along the route are the equivalent of walking in a sandy beach angled at a 30 degree incline. Two steps forward, one step back...followed by a slip, fall and face plant. So in effect, she is a b*tch-beach of a climb. It goes without saying that I was quite sore the next morning, and even more so the morning of my 5k.

As for the race. I finished top 10 overall and was first woman (yay) with a time of 20:15 (crap). Back in April I ran a 5k only two weeks after my 50 miler and completed it in 20:38, so to not be far ahead of that is a little unnerving for the start of XC season. In hopes of shaking off a little more rust, I will also be running a 5k at the Women of Wonder held at Greenlake on September 7th. This time I won't be climbing mountains before hand because that is obviously responsible for my sub-par performance and not my lack of speed training.
I <3 Nerds 5k |
And finally, the BIG news...
Being the glutton for punishment that I am and the worldly explorer I aspire to be, I have signed up for another...long run. I thought long and hard about this decision (maybe, 6 seconds...) and have signed up for the Antelope Canyon 50 Mile. You read it right, another 50 mile. My resolution has now become a lifestyle?
However, this is not your ordinary 50 miler. This is the holy grail of 50 milers! Words cannot describe, so let these picture do the talking.
That's for real. |
Be jealous... |
50 miles of breathtaking views. |
4,350 feet of elevation gain and loss. |
Not sure how I will afford to get there, but I'm officially signed up so it's happening even if I have to hitch-hike 1,300 miles.
My peaks this week:
Mount St. Helens - 10 miles |
Mount Pilchuck - 5 miles |
Next up, the Enchantments! Until next time.
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